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Creating Custom Results#^ TOP

In this article we will build a custom result for our PSR2 check. In the next article, we will build the renderer for it, as the result is fairly useless without it.

We want to be able to list out each of the coding standard violations as part of the feedback to the student. To do this, we will write our result (which is mostly a simple object containing the data) and then we will update our check to parse the violations and use the new result class.

Getting Started#^ TOP

If you are carrying on from the previous article then you can skip this first step of grabbing the tutorial workshop.

As usual we will use the already built tutorial workshop as a base - the finished code is available on the custom-result branch of the tutorial repository. We will start fresh from the custom-interface-check branch for this tutorial, so if you haven't already got it, git clone it and install the dependencies:

cd projects

git clone

cd simple-math

git checkout custom-interface-check

composer install

1. Create the folder and class

mkdir src/Result

touch src/Result/CodingStandardFailure.php

2. Write the result class


namespace PhpSchool\SimpleMath\Result;

use PhpSchool\PhpWorkshop\Check\CheckInterface;
use PhpSchool\PhpWorkshop\Result\FailureInterface;

class CodingStandardFailure implements FailureInterface

     * @var string
    private $name;

     * @var string
    private $codingStandard;

     * @var array
    private $errors;

     * @param string $name
     * @param string $codingStandard
     * @param array $errors
    public function __construct($name, $codingStandard, array $errors)
        $this->name             = $name;
        $this->codingStandard   = $codingStandard;
        $this->errors           = $errors;

     * @param CheckInterface $check
     * @param $codingStandard
     * @param array $errors
     * @return static
    public static function fromCheckAndOutput(CheckInterface $check, $codingStandard, array $errors)
        return new static($check->getName(), $codingStandard, $errors);

     * @return string
    public function getCheckName()
        return $this->name;

     * @return string
    public function getCodingStandard()
        return $this->codingStandard;

     * @return array
    public function getErrors()
        return $this->errors;

This is a simple class which takes in the check name, the standard used & and an array of violations. getCheckName() should return the name of the check this result represents, this is used when rendering the results to the student by the workshop framework. This is the only method required by the interface PhpSchool\PhpWorkshop\Result\FailureInterface.

3. Update the Check

We need to update our check to use the new result class, and we need to parse the violations from phpcs. We will only be making changes in the check method and the final method should look like the following:

public function check(ExerciseInterface $exercise, Input $input)
    if (!$exercise instanceof Psr2ExerciseCheck) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException;

    $standard = $exercise->getStandard();

    if (!in_array($standard, ['PSR1', 'PSR2', 'PEAR'])) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Standard is not supported');

    $phpCsBinary = __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/bin/phpcs';
    $cmd = sprintf('%s %s --standard=%s --report=json', $phpCsBinary, $input->getArgument('program'), $standard);
    exec($cmd, $output, $exitCode);

    if ($exitCode === 0) {
        return new Success($this->getName());

    $errors = json_decode($output[0], true)['files'][$input->getArgument('program')];
    $errors = array_map(function ($error) {
        return sprintf('Line %d, Column %d: %s', $error['line'], $error['column'], $error['message']);
    }, $errors['messages']);

    return CodingStandardFailure::fromCheckAndOutput($this, $standard, $errors);
  • We add the option --report=json to give us the report in json, which makes it easier to parse.
  • We json_decode the first line of output from phpcs.
  • We grab the violations for the students submission.
  • We format each violation in to a string consisting of the line number, column and message.
  • Return a instance of our new result class containing the check name, coding standard and an array of violations.

That's it! Move on to the next article to build the renderer.

If you try to run verify the exercise now, the program will crash as it cannot find a renderer for the new result.