If you are having trouble installing PHP School workshops, then you may need to update some software.
Common issues with Linux installations include not having a new enough version of PHP and not having Composer available.
You can check your PHP version with php -v
If you have a PHP version less than 7.1, you will need to update it to at least 7.1, you can do so with the following commands:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get install php7.1
After installing a workshop using the workshop manager you may find it's not available to run immediately. If this happens the simplest remedy is to make sure PHP School's workshop bin directory is available in the $PATH
environment variable.
You can check this with workshop-manager verify
which will also provide the relevant details on how to resolve the issue.
To learn more about the $PATH
environment, click here.
Common issues with Mac OSX installations include not having a new enough version of PHP and not having Composer available.
You can check your PHP version with php -v
If you have a PHP version less than 7.1, you will need to update it to at least 7.1, you can do so with the following commands:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
brew install php71
export PATH="$(brew --prefix php56)/bin:$PATH"
After installing a workshop using the workshop manager you may find it's not available to run immediately. If this happens the simplest remedy is to make sure PHP School's workshop bin directory is available in the $PATH
environment variable.
You can check this with workshop-manager verify
which will also provide the relevant details on how to resolve the issue.
To learn more about the $PATH
environment, click here.
Windows is a difficult system to cater for in the PHP world. Unfortunately, it has various differences on the command line and console emulators which PHP unfortunately doesn't support. The best way to get PHP School Workshops running is to install Cygwin + ConEmu. Once the initial setup of these are complete, the process of installing workshops is the same as Linux and Mac OSX operating systems.
If not, follow the instructions below:
After installing a workshop using the workshop manager you may find it's not available to run immediately. If this happens the simplest remedy is to make sure PHP School's workshop bin directory is available in the $PATH
environment variable.
You can check this with workshop-manager verify
which will also provide the relevant details on how to resolve the issue.
To learn more about the $PATH
environment, click here.